Sunday, August 28, 2011


"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” Rom 8:1
WOW! What a privilege! What a comfort! According to the law there is much for which I am guilty before God. But the accusations are thrown out and the indictment quashed because Christ perfectly satisfied the law for me. Although the disturbing and vexing sin that remains in me continues to wage war against the Spirit it does not ruin me. Christ is my protector and avenger and has freed me from the guilt (condemnation) and power of sin.
I know these wonderful truths and believe them with all my heart. So why does the condemnation of others weigh so heavy on me? Why do I let their opinions, expectations and disapproval disrupt my peace? Why has my soul become so disturbed within me?  It is because their love, acceptance and approval have become idols of my heart!  When the good desire to be loved and accepted by others – my parents, spouse, children, friends, employer, etc. is elevated to a demand, a must have, or an I can’t live without it, it’s an idol. When the good desire to be accepted and not condemned becomes all consuming and is more important to me than being loved and accepted by God, it’s an idol. And when this good desire becomes an idol it causes anxiety, restlessness, and anger; it robs me of the peace for which I long.
So to get back to the joy, peace and comfort of knowing that there is no condemnation for me because I am in Christ I begin with praising God for all He has done for me in Christ. I meditate on His goodness, love and faithfulness which lead me to repentance. I confess my lack of faith and unbelief and that my heart is an idol factory.  I pray for grace - grace that cleanses and pardons all sin; grace to worship Him as the only one true and living God; grace to fear Him and not man; grace to find my hope, joy, peace and comfort in Him; grace so that when others hurt me with their condemnation (and they will) I do not despair. 
O Father, may your children be so rooted and grounded in your love and acceptance of us through Christ that when condemnation comes our faith is not shaken and our peace is not disturbed.  In our situations and relationships where there is condemnation pour out your healing grace that we might be built-up and encourage with the truth of the Gospel. Teach us to FEAR you so that we can need people less and love them more.   
I am so thankful for the Biblical teaching on idols of the heart in  Peacmaking Women by Tara Barthel  and When People are Big and God is Small by Edward Welch.

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